Subtitles : When the Screaming Starts (2021)

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When the Screaming Starts

When the Screaming Starts

5/10 IMDB

1h 28m Runtime

2021 Year

September 20, 2022 (United States)

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When The Screaming Starts (Grimmfest 9th Oct 2021).A down-at-heel documentary film maker begins to follow a cinema usher (and former black metal guitarist) who has decided to become a serial killer.A terrifically entertaining black comedy utilising an energetic ensemble. Equally funny in highlighting the mundanities of everyday existence for the central anti hero and character clashes as the plot develops.The synopsis makes it sound like Man Bites Dog or Behind The Mask but this flick is savvy in avoiding aping superficially similar productions and carving it's own path.What's particularly impressive is how the performances and thoughtful editing ensure the film maintains its energy through the final act as the story moves away from humour and into grim irony.Highly recommended.

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